Short Articles

…about Islam, Christianity, the Trinity, the Bible, society…

Elizabeth Elizabeth

Jesus meets converts from Islam

Reading testimonies of how the Lord Jesus has met with Muslim peoples right in the heartlands of Islamic territories, always inspires the Christian reader. Jesus loves personal introductions! He wants Muslims to know who He is, and He is clear he is much more than the mere human miracle-maker the Qur’an makes him to be.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Our Muslim Neighbours

How do we love our Muslim neighbours well? How can we better understand Islam and respond to it biblically?

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

War and Peace

The cenotaph memorial unveiled by King George V on 11th November 1920, stands as a lonely reminder in the middle of Whitehall Road of the great sacrifice and courage for those who fought for this land. Armistice day, or Veterans Day in America, is always held on the 11th of November. It draws Royalty, political leaders, veterans and families together in remembrance and minutes of silent contemplation. This year, a pro-Palestinian march is planed for armistice day, and that raises all sorts of questions, if we dare ask them…

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Secular Islam

Islam claims a quarter of the world’s population. Yet emerging from that statistic is an Islam devoid of faith. There are many disbelievers among the masses of Muslims across the world. The article claims Hawkin’s book ‘the God delusion’ is one of the most downloaded books in the Arab world. This should cause the Christian to pause and consider if there is any other book that would be far more helpful to the Muslim abandoning the Islamic faith.

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Elizabeth Elizabeth

Islam and Progress

In our modern society there is much talk about Islam being a progressive religion, how Muhammad was a keen feminist, an advocate for women rights, a protector of the venerable and an all round decent guy, that his attitudes, ideas and beliefs are something that our modern society can really benefit from! But is this true?

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Elizabeth Elizabeth

Speaking about ‘god’

It is easy for people to talk about "god" without ever knowing the Father, Son and Spirit who are the One God.

If we want to know the Living God and know peace with Him, we must know Him as He has revealed Himself, not only in the unity of His essence, but also in the plurality of His persons.

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Elizabeth Elizabeth

Responding to Different Opinions

How do we respond to those who categorically disagree with our ideas? And more, what if a group of people dare to oppose the status quo of society and its trends. What do we do when society seems bent on policies that undermine all that we know to be true and good, and good for the country? What if we don’t respond and don’t speak the truth?

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

The Western World!

“You are just worried what we will do to you when Britain becomes Islamic!” A Muslim missionary had snarled at me after I was talking with a Muslim woman about Muhammad’s treatment of the women whose husbands his army had just slaughtered.

The depth of hate levelled at truth tellers is sadly embedded in modern society. Searchers for truth now expect a vengeful response from those who disagree, and good ideas get shot down for simply being ‘old-fashioned’, or worse, for not conforming to a powerful minority who weald a new unyielding (and likely temporary) ‘category’ or definition.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Labels & Islamophobia

Phobias, Islam and "Islamophobia" has been in the news a fair bit recently. As conservative commentators discuss Islam, they rightly highlight their concern about the over used slur “Islamophobia.” Noone really knows what it means, but accusers generally mean to label you as a hater of Islam or Muslims. ‘Phobia’ labels are usually given to shut down free speech. The Christian is faced with a dilemma here. Go along quietly, or dare to love enough to disagree with some powerful forces among today’s elite rulers.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Living in Freedom

So how can we live as people of freedom? What is true freedom? How can we experience it regardless of what others impose upon us, or what society demands of us? The Bible is full of saints who have learned to live a life of freedom, regardless of circumstances.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

How will society find peace?

Imagine if all tensions could be resolved, our insulters dealt with, and if justice prevailed. Imagine a judge who understands every word and deed (Proverbs 10:22, Romans 14:10-12), who knows the way to peace and freedom for all…

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Freedom and Forgiveness!

Response to the ‘Lady of Heaven’ film. Christ calls His church to a high order of behaviour. If taken seriously whole communities, societies, and societal struggles find transformation, healing and unity. It goes against human nature to easily forgive, maintain long-suffering, nurture patience, but as we interact with each other, these become the building blocks of healthy and wholesome relationships. Families and communities can find a way to both disagree, yet communicate maintaining the way of peace and kindness. Christ’s way truly transforms, heals and frees us from brokenness.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Christ Centred Mission

Christ centred Mission among Western Missionaries to Islamic lands is a dynamic concept. Historically Christians held Christ close and proclaimed Him clearly to nations who deny His divinity. But trends in the late 1990s and early 2000s produced an obscure Jesus for the Muslim world. That trend is fading, and a clear and true presentation of Jesus is longed for more than ever. At One Truth Project we join with the world wide historical Church to proclaim Christ as our true and only Saviour. He is the escape from bondage, the one who is calling all Muslims out of Islam into His eternal family; We proclaim that Christ is the Saviour of us all.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Are we evil?

Trials and arrests allow for no mistake, and when rulings disagree with your cause, calls for hatred and harm ring from mansion owners, sitting rulers, down to street-dwellers. Hatred reigns, communities hurt, families divide.

For some, evil is committed only by a select group, and if your own group engages in similar deeds, it is no longer considered evil. For others evil is done only by a certain religious group, or an ethnic group. But thine own group shalt do no wrong.

Make no mistake - we are evil.

But there is a way to secure transformation and healing…

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Islamic Terrorism

Lone-wolf Islamic terrorists continue to rise up, rarely in the West, often in Africa and Asia. Pundits describe the atrocities as “an aberration of Islam”, Moderate Islamic voices and Western politicians offer their opinions, but one thing remains - these atrocities keep happening in the name of Islam. We need to investigate is Qur’anic text supports the attackers actions? We need to ask if Muhammad’s life offers a foundation for terrorism in the name of Islam to continue?

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

When the Qur’an Guides the Law.

Does the Taliban follow the Qur’an? What is it like living under Qur’anic law? How do we respond when they tell us: “No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam, and we will make our laws on the Quran!” Why do some Western pundits deny that the Taliban, Al-Shabab, and Boko Haram are not Islamic? Why do they ignore the verses that such groups quote? What kind of law is taught in the Qur’an?

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Rev. Dr. Paul Blackham Rev. Dr. Paul Blackham

How did this happen?!

For all their fear, brutality and death-cult violence... the Taliban have something to believe in, and it drives them to defeat vastly more powerful armies. The new Western order cannot win hearts and minds, cannot beat rag tag groups of 300 fighters. The fanatical Communists of the 1950's were vastly outnumbered... but won. The religious zealots of this present age are vastly outnumbered... but consistently win.

Why? The power of a cause - a creed - a holistic vision...

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Women, Islam, Limits, Muhammad, Allah, Men Beth Peltola Women, Islam, Limits, Muhammad, Allah, Men Beth Peltola

“Limits of Islam”

The Taliban have got the world talking! “Women will be given freedom within the limits of Islam.” Those last five words are the sticking point, and the world shudders at what they could potentially mean. Some will say it depends on how you interpret Islamic law; yes, there is that, but what does the Qur’an say? What does the life of Muhammad exemplify for men in their interactions with women. What were his limits? What are the limits implemented by the god of Islam - Allah? What does Allah say?

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“Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms”

-The Lord Jesus (Luke 24:44)