Short Articles
…about Islam, Christianity, the Trinity, the Bible, society…
“Limits of Islam”
The Taliban have got the world talking! “Women will be given freedom within the limits of Islam.” Those last five words are the sticking point, and the world shudders at what they could potentially mean. Some will say it depends on how you interpret Islamic law; yes, there is that, but what does the Qur’an say? What does the life of Muhammad exemplify for men in their interactions with women. What were his limits? What are the limits implemented by the god of Islam - Allah? What does Allah say?
“Moderate” Islam
Key textual concepts upheld by the Taliban, and the like, are described as ‘their form’ of Islam, as if it is a new, or invented, set of beliefs. Ancient traditional beliefs are set aside to a bygone world, as if that which was written in the past, is no longer relevant for today. Except that which was written in the past, is currently having a very real and negative impact the world over; The Taliban, Al-shabab, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, ISIS and more, are constant reminders of the content of Islamic ‘holy writ’. The Moderate Muslim will need to reject much that ‘writ’ to make up a religion, which is deemed acceptable to Western eyes.
Islam at War
Islam has not just been interested in conquering other nations, it has always warred within itself; divisions began early on in Islam. As different tribal groups fought for supremacy, different forms of Islam developed. It was no monolithic religion, it never has been, but it has always had war and conquest at its heart…
My Afghani Friends
Some of my most treasured moments have been in the home of my Afghani friends. My American friend and I spent the best part of 5 years visiting them, almost every week. We were both single, and we had more time to give, plus the Lord had given us a deep love for Muslim people. Both of us disagree with the religion of Islam, but some of our best friends belong to the religion, and disagreeing with their beliefs has never come in the way of our friendships…
Afghanistan’s Salvation
While Islam’s swift and rumoured brutal conquest through Afghanistan to Kabul, might have taken much of the world by surprise, a quick look at Islam’s past impact on the world, shows us that we are seeing history repeat itself. The West enabled a temporary peace through military power, but hearts and minds remained the same, and long-lasting freedom has become fleeting. The true solution was not given; Afghanistan and the West need that solution…
The Islamic Taliban
The Taliban’s sudden take-over of Afghanistan has shocked the Western world. Why? History tells us the same story repeatedly. Islam has often conquered brutally and quickly. Some may ask if the Taliban is Islamic - a quick overview of the Qur’an, Muhammad's life, Islam’s history and it’s laws give a clear answer to this question…
Not just a prophet
Prophets and gods are popular world over… but what about a High Priest who creates and meets us where we are; A high priest who is God. God who walks with human beings through every age and every day…
Living Under Islamic Rule
Ever been told living Islamic empires protected Jews and Christians? Ever wondered if this was true? Beth Peltola explains the real situation for non-Muslims living under Islamic regimes.
Who is Abraham’s God?
Do Muslims, Christians and Jews worship the same God? Does it matter which God we worship? Who is Abraham’s God? Big questions in an age of syncretism. This blog begins to question the newly coined term: ‘Abrahamic religions’.
Made in God's image
You are made in God’s image. Wow! Talk about dignity, value, belonging.
Trinity: Unity in Diversity
Consider the Trinity - God whose essence gives us an example of ‘unity in diversity’. Togetherness, oneness, visualised through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Imagine if human beings lives life with such unity delighting in their diversity, roles, characters, their very being. What a solution to the tumult we see today and through human history.
Who do you pray to?
We are praying more… Lets be sure we are praying to the right person. Only the true God can help.
“Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms”
-The Lord Jesus (Luke 24:44)