Short Articles

…about Islam, Christianity, the Trinity, the Bible, society…

Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Labels & Islamophobia

Phobias, Islam and "Islamophobia" has been in the news a fair bit recently. As conservative commentators discuss Islam, they rightly highlight their concern about the over used slur “Islamophobia.” Noone really knows what it means, but accusers generally mean to label you as a hater of Islam or Muslims. ‘Phobia’ labels are usually given to shut down free speech. The Christian is faced with a dilemma here. Go along quietly, or dare to love enough to disagree with some powerful forces among today’s elite rulers.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Living in Freedom

So how can we live as people of freedom? What is true freedom? How can we experience it regardless of what others impose upon us, or what society demands of us? The Bible is full of saints who have learned to live a life of freedom, regardless of circumstances.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

How will society find peace?

Imagine if all tensions could be resolved, our insulters dealt with, and if justice prevailed. Imagine a judge who understands every word and deed (Proverbs 10:22, Romans 14:10-12), who knows the way to peace and freedom for all…

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Freedom and Forgiveness!

Response to the ‘Lady of Heaven’ film. Christ calls His church to a high order of behaviour. If taken seriously whole communities, societies, and societal struggles find transformation, healing and unity. It goes against human nature to easily forgive, maintain long-suffering, nurture patience, but as we interact with each other, these become the building blocks of healthy and wholesome relationships. Families and communities can find a way to both disagree, yet communicate maintaining the way of peace and kindness. Christ’s way truly transforms, heals and frees us from brokenness.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Christ Centred Mission

Christ centred Mission among Western Missionaries to Islamic lands is a dynamic concept. Historically Christians held Christ close and proclaimed Him clearly to nations who deny His divinity. But trends in the late 1990s and early 2000s produced an obscure Jesus for the Muslim world. That trend is fading, and a clear and true presentation of Jesus is longed for more than ever. At One Truth Project we join with the world wide historical Church to proclaim Christ as our true and only Saviour. He is the escape from bondage, the one who is calling all Muslims out of Islam into His eternal family; We proclaim that Christ is the Saviour of us all.

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Are we evil?

Trials and arrests allow for no mistake, and when rulings disagree with your cause, calls for hatred and harm ring from mansion owners, sitting rulers, down to street-dwellers. Hatred reigns, communities hurt, families divide.

For some, evil is committed only by a select group, and if your own group engages in similar deeds, it is no longer considered evil. For others evil is done only by a certain religious group, or an ethnic group. But thine own group shalt do no wrong.

Make no mistake - we are evil.

But there is a way to secure transformation and healing…

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“Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms”

-The Lord Jesus (Luke 24:44)