Short Articles

…about Islam, Christianity, the Trinity, the Bible, society…

Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

War and Peace

The cenotaph memorial unveiled by King George V on 11th November 1920, stands as a lonely reminder in the middle of Whitehall Road of the great sacrifice and courage for those who fought for this land. Armistice day, or Veterans Day in America, is always held on the 11th of November. It draws Royalty, political leaders, veterans and families together in remembrance and minutes of silent contemplation. This year, a pro-Palestinian march is planed for armistice day, and that raises all sorts of questions, if we dare ask them…

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Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Are we evil?

Trials and arrests allow for no mistake, and when rulings disagree with your cause, calls for hatred and harm ring from mansion owners, sitting rulers, down to street-dwellers. Hatred reigns, communities hurt, families divide.

For some, evil is committed only by a select group, and if your own group engages in similar deeds, it is no longer considered evil. For others evil is done only by a certain religious group, or an ethnic group. But thine own group shalt do no wrong.

Make no mistake - we are evil.

But there is a way to secure transformation and healing…

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“Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms”

-The Lord Jesus (Luke 24:44)