Short Articles

…about Islam, Christianity, the Trinity, the Bible, society…

Beth Peltola Beth Peltola

Labels & Islamophobia

Phobias, Islam and "Islamophobia" has been in the news a fair bit recently. As conservative commentators discuss Islam, they rightly highlight their concern about the over used slur “Islamophobia.” Noone really knows what it means, but accusers generally mean to label you as a hater of Islam or Muslims. ‘Phobia’ labels are usually given to shut down free speech. The Christian is faced with a dilemma here. Go along quietly, or dare to love enough to disagree with some powerful forces among today’s elite rulers.

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Women, Islam, Limits, Muhammad, Allah, Men Beth Peltola Women, Islam, Limits, Muhammad, Allah, Men Beth Peltola

“Limits of Islam”

The Taliban have got the world talking! “Women will be given freedom within the limits of Islam.” Those last five words are the sticking point, and the world shudders at what they could potentially mean. Some will say it depends on how you interpret Islamic law; yes, there is that, but what does the Qur’an say? What does the life of Muhammad exemplify for men in their interactions with women. What were his limits? What are the limits implemented by the god of Islam - Allah? What does Allah say?

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“Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms”

-The Lord Jesus (Luke 24:44)