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“Moderate” Islam

By Beth Peltola

It is August 2021, and we do not know how the new Taliban regime will turn out.

A Taliban spokesman, Suhail Shaheen, speaking to BBC’s Yalda Hakim on 16th August, 2021, spoke of wanting a peaceful transfer with no revenge on its people. In his words, the Taliban “are the servants of the people and of this country.” Seeking to establish the 'Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ he believes there were mistakes in the past, especially of girls education and stoning of women. Admitting he is no Islamic scholar, he sees the later as incredibly difficult to support.

Not being an Islamic scholar may hinder his ability to speak for those in the Taliban who are scholars of Islamic texts and the life of Muhammad. Shaheen’s beliefs may be welcomed by the West, and those wanting more freedom inside Afghanistan, but they will not be upheld if Islam’s texts are taken seriously.

For the sake of those inside Afghanistan we hope Shaheen’s words have some clout, but Islam’s texts will need to be ignored, if girls, women and men who disagree with the Taliban, are to live in safety. It means the solution can’t be found within Islam.

Islamic influencers in the West might disagree.

Books written by advisors in universities or political forums, such as Mona Siddiqqui, author of, My Way: A Muslim Woman’s Journey (I.B. Tauris, 2015), or Ed Husain, author of, The House of Islam: A Global History of Islam (Bloomsbury, 2018), defend a moderate, or as some describe -an ‘enlightened’ vision of Islam. Both books are interesting reads, but the brutality seen throughout Islam’s history is revisioned or ignored by these authors. Ed Husain’s quote of an American Business leader, Carly Fiorina (page 103-104), on Islam’s significant influence on the Western world, is a classic example of this. Key textual concepts upheld by the Taliban, and the like, are described as ‘their form’ of Islam, as if it is a new, or invented, set of beliefs.

Ancient traditional beliefs are set aside to a bygone world, as if that which was written in the past, is no longer relevant for today. Except that which was written in the past, is currently having a very real and negative impact the world over; The Taliban, Al-shabab, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, ISIS and more, are constant reminders of the content of Islamic ‘holy writ’.

The Moderate Muslim will need to reject much that ‘writ’ to make up a religion, which is deemed acceptable to Western eyes.

How can the true believer of Islam adhere to the Western adoption of ‘enlightened Islam’? It’d mean an acceptance of secular pluralism, over and above any traditional faith; A dislike of texts that are ancient and a glorification of all that is modern.

Yet this secular pluralism, or ‘enlightened’ thinking, has brought about no peaceful, harmonious Western society.

Western society is imploding on itself, as a battle of ideas ensues. Anyone who thinks outside of society’s current gods of watered down religion, new visions of sexual identity, and ever encroaching control and imposition - especially on our children, - is categorised in a way that tries to render them insignificant. Worst of all - thinks many a modern mind - are those who hold onto textual religion!

Those who abide by their texts are deemed dangerous and radical. This is a brainless position, because not all texts lead to dangerous actions; some texts give life, and some cause harm.

Certainly, Qur’anic boundaries are hard to stomach, especially when compared to the boundaries of Christ, but at least we all know where textual Muslims stand and what they believe.

Those who cast out their texts, or pick and choose a small fraction of them that may, or may not, align with Western thought, are just as susceptible towards damaging belief and behaviour; because they are susceptible to anything. Where are their boundaries? Where does their authority come from? How can they be trusted, if modern secular pluralism is their guiding force - that changes with every whim; and it is becoming more radical by the day. It has also left our children angry, fearful and utterly confused.

Modern thinkers are ripping out all boundaries and guiding principles in the next generation’s worldview. Our educational institutions rob parents, especially conservative thinkers, of influence over their children. Both Muslim and Christian parents stand together against this tide that leaves our children abused and confused. That’s where “enlightened”, “educated”, “pluralistic” society has taken us. And many a modernist Muslim wishes to adopt such a mindset.

Those who reject their texts have no set guidelines, no boundaries, and simply have nothing new to offer, except that which is common to man - societal breakdown the further it moves away from the source of goodness, the One who has knowledge of what good and evil really is, and can provide a solution against all that harms.

‘Moderate’ Islam is no solution for Afghanistan, nor for the rest of the broken world we now live in, because it is precarious, individual, with no outside guiding force of good.

The world’s situation is desperate, if this is all there is, or if ‘enlightened’ thinking is what we are left with.

There has to be more, and there is.

Healing is found in no concept. No political theory. No political-religious solution. No scientific ideology. No human institution. No democratic vote. No human take-over.

The healing balm for our world comes from a person. The only one who knows us completely. The one who made us, cares and fights for us. His combat is not just physical, but stands against all the forces of evil currently unleashed on the world. His solutions are not temporary.

When we run to Him, we are given ability to face anything, including freedoms lost and worse still, war. More than that, this Man is able to fight our battles that we can’t, heal our wounds, free us from our struggles, cut through our confusions, and stand up against those who hate us. Ultimately He gives life. Sometimes a long life here and now, but more so, an incredible pain-free and peace-filled eternal life. This, from an ancient text. An ancient promise that has stood by thousands of generations who love the Christ, the Son of God, the King of Kings, the Emperor of the universe.

And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” (Revelation 21:3-5 NKJV)

His written word - an ancient text - points to solutions. He, the Living Word, is the solution.