One Truth Project
Focused on Jesus
we seek to biblically respond to Islam
We resource the church to confidently speak about the Lord Jesus with Muslims across the world. We do this through books, blogs, podcasts, short courses, Bible Tours, talks and consultations.
Islam is growing exponentially
in the West.
Some Muslim leaders tell us they will rule Britain within a decade. Others are happy to reside within a secular world.
How does the Christian respond?
To find out more, check out our books, blogs, podcasts, short courses, and Bible Tours...
Explaining Jesus
In this video our CEO sums up the heart of teaching at One Truth and that means a short summary of the Bible’s core teaching.
It’ll take just over four minutes of your time, but worth it, if you’re interested in knowing the God who wants to know you.
Islam builds its foundations on the man Muhammad.
Christians are named after the Lord from Heaven, Jesus the Messiah.
How can we speak clearly about God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, with those of other faiths?
To know more, check out our books, blogs, and short courses.

Book Alert!
Book Alert!
“A must-read for Christians everywhere, and for ministry workers in the harvest field, it's an essential. Five stars plus.”
-Karen Roth (Amazon)
“Refreshingly practical and helpful in its key message to focus on the person of Jesus Christ.”
-Peter Saunders (Good Reads)
Great for gifts.
Perfect for groups.
Written for those interested in a Biblical response to Islam.
Published by B&H Publishing Group, USA
When Jesus turns up, He asks questions to get to the heart of our beliefs.
Questions make us think, and this was the intention of Jesus. We ask questions of Islam for the same reason.
Christian responses should lead us to the truth of who God is, and provide solutions the world desperately needs.
— Find out more in A Short Guide to Islam and Questions to Ask Your Muslim Friends. .

Book Alert!
Book Alert!
“This book is dynamite, jam-packed with powerful questions… a tool in your hands so you can set the agenda for life-changing conversations… a must have for anyone who has a heart to share the love of Jesus with Muslims”
-Dr Mark Durie,
Director, Institute for Spiritual Awareness.
Packed with references
Helpful aid for evangelism
Written to encourage healthy discussion
Published by Wilberforce Publications, UK
The Christian does not need to know everything about other religions, the Christian just needs to know the Lord Jesus. When we know Him, we have a response.
— Colossians 1:13-18; 1 Peter 3:14-16

Book by Book
“The Joy of meeting Jesus in all the scriptures”
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
- Colossians 1:15-17