One Truth Project

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The Islamic Taliban

By Beth Peltola

The events unfolding in Afghanistan has filled the world with horror. Disbelief over Western policy’s failure to ‘change’ Afghanistan at its core. Shock abandonment of innocent civilians left to fare for themselves. Pointing fingers of blame towards those held responsible. Hearts broken to hear live testimony from those on the run; with nowhere to run. 

Upfront and centre is that tug of war between ‘Islams’ - the ‘acceptable’ version, superficially upheld by 20 years of Western military presence and naive belief in Western training of indigenous armies. Yet always lurking, always present, the historical version never disappears. How can historical Islam, an Islam found right through history, based on the life of Muhammad and Islamic law be abolished, when it’s texts, it’s spirit, and historical precedent undergirds the Taliban’s every move. We are not seeing a new phenomenon. We should not be surprised at the speed of Taliban takeover. 

Since the ‘enlightenment‘, the West has been meddling in Islamic lands, sometimes with good intention, but rarely armed with true life-saving, life-preserving power.

Human armies might provide temporary relief, and we commend our veterans for daring to go into danger zones that most of us would not want to venture into. Armies have a purpose, but without the Leader of the armies of Heaven, our armies cannot change ideals supported by a fourteen hundred year old power always found at the heart of Islam’s rise.

That heart is found in its holy text: 

[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip." (Qur’an 8:12, Sahih International)

That heart is found in the raids of Muhammad, [The Life of Muhammad, Al-Waqidi's Kitab al-Maghazi, Ed. Rizwi Faizer, 2001]. 

It is found through the entire history of Islamic interaction with those who think differently, [The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews Under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain, Dario Fernandez Morera, ICI Books, 2016].

Secular armies might try to stymie the terror games of Islamic forces through sheer force, but secular armies and modern Western politics have no transformative power up against fourteen hundred years fuelled by text, history and spiritual forces unseen to the human eye. 

Those that dabble with the lives of others - in this case Afghani lives - do well to heed the leader of the armies of Heaven [Joshua 5:13-15, Revelation 19:11-16]. That leader does go to war, but He fights with the weapons of transformation, love & lasting power. 

‘Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.’ (Revelation 19:11, NKJV)

The ultimate power against the Taliban cannot come from the West - the West has failed. It can’t come from moderate voices from within Islam - their texts will fail them. It can’t come from any earthly kingdom - they rise & fall; obviously. 

Transformation of nations and lasting help can only come through the Leader of the hosts of heaven. Afghani’s were not given much access to this leader, this kingdom isn’t currently at the heart of modern Western armies. Church life was quashed decades ago in Afghanistan. 

Rebuilding a nation with human power just brings in the same - human power. That never seems to go well for us. Fear and control always lurks at the heart of human power; but there is a King who in the midst of current Afghani terror, can bring calm, courage and help. He is faithful and true, dependable and trustworthy. He is able to stand against seen and unseen forces. He can give rescue to those trapped in a country controlled by those bent on destroying and controlling others. He is the source of lasting courage & eternal life. Love and right justice rule at the heart of His kingdom. 

Fear -the heart of human power and policy - has no place in His rule. Fear need not be present even when the supposed armies of ‘protection’ abandon and the the armies of hell descend; Even then the Lord stands with His people in the fire. Yet what hope of this reality, did the work of Westerners give? Where is the lasting legacy of Church community and refuge? Where are the priests providing protection and prayer? What is happening to minorities and Christian believers right now in the country? What is the situation for Afghani women and children?

The Heavenly Man of Revelation 19, in His mercy, can reach down and provide help - and that is every Christian’s prayer - but Western policy has done little in introducing those on the run (at this very moment) to this true and faithful helper, the actual Saviour, the source of love and the dispeller of fear. 

‘There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.’ John 4:18, NKJV.

An army that succeeds, is an army that falls to its knees and cries out to the Captain of the armies of Heaven - He is the only solution; the only Kingdom which will not fall; the only place of refuge.