One Truth Project

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The Suffering Trinity

By Bethie Peltola

During Lent we enter an incredible moment in the church calendar…

Christians around the world turn their eyes away from their troubles, from the scandals, shame & brokenness of human beings, to the beauty, majesty & power of God.

We look up and see the beautiful Trinity - Who chose to carry our pain, our death, & our suffering, to rescue us out of our sin.

Someone has to pay for the mess our world is in. God has paid for it:

  • Jesus took our place.

  • Our Heavenly Father sent Him

  • The Holy Spirit empowered Him to succeed in our rescue.

The Father watched in agony and with unimaginable angst turned His face away. The Son suffered extreme physical agony, with the unbearable weight of our sin on His body. The Holy Spirit empowered Him to accomplish all He set out to do, in life and in death. The Son rose again to enter into His eternal Kingdom, back to the Heavenly Father, to pave the way for us to also enter into those gates of Heaven (Psalm 24).

The Holy Trinity gave their all, so that we could share in their eternal family life.

Through trusting Jesus and asking forgiveness, we receive access to God’s holy place (the place of beauty, peace, joy and holiness). Solutions, help, power and strength to face each day with purpose and contentment. Wisdom for decisions. Help through every hurdle. Companionship for eternity.

As we turn our eyes up to our Saviour, we find forgiveness, freedom and joy; Eternal life & abundant happiness is ours to have.

#Lent2021 #Trinity #Suffering #forgiveness #rescue