One Truth Project

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God’s death gives life

By Bethie Peltola

God hanging on a cross is an unbearable truth.

World religions chose more palatable visions of God. God is easier for human beings to accept if God remains undefined, or a little removed from us.

But the LORD Jesus throws out our minimal expectations.

He shows us who God is and what God is like. He exemplifies service and sacrifice. He teaches us what truth, goodness and mercy look like. He made His body the vessel of judgement, so justice is served. He did what we can never do and He topples our lesser more ambiguous visions of God.

His action of love for human beings who rage and hate each other, and Him, rises above our mess. Just as He was lifted up on a cross, arms outstretched towards every human being, so he lifts us up out of the mud and grime of our own doing. He takes onto His body our rubbish and confusion; He nails into His hands and feet our evil and sin; His side is pierced with our pain and suffering. He Faces the demons. Takes the insults. Experiences death, and then conquers it all. He rises out of the grave. He went through death ahead of us, and overcame the grave, so we too can rise out of the grave. Through trusting Him - the risen emperor - we hold on to life; we begin an eternal satisfying and joyful relationship with God.

Every human being who holds on to THIS Leader has life.

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